Tuesday, May 29, 2012

C'mon! You Know You Want To!

Today's post is for all of those who are "thinking" that they need to make a change.  I am the little voice on your shoulder.  "Do it! Do it! Do it!"    For those who may question if I'm the devil or the angel, I'll tell you -- I am your angel!  This is a good thing and making a few good healthy changes today will only bless your life tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day! So, let's get this thing going!

Here are my top 5 reasons for doing this....

1.  I love my husband and my children.  I want my health to be the best that it can be, so that I can be an active part of their lives for longer.  I curse myself regularly for all the time I've wasted with them because my weight made things difficult for me, caused physical ailment, or because I just felt sluggish from a junk-laden diet.  I can't give my family my best if I am not at my best.  I've lost a lot of time.  I don't want to lose one more day. 

2.  I want to feel good when I look in the mirror.  When I was around 20 years old, I was at a store, and it wasn't my best day.  My hair was messy (and this was long before that became the style), and I wasn't wearing my cutest clothing.  A woman approached me and gave me her card.  I knew who she was even before she said her name.  She owned and operated the top modeling agency in the area.  I wasn't really interested in a professional modeling career, so I never called her, but it made me feel good that she had asked me to.  I know that the rest of my day (and probably longer)  was much better and more productive because I felt good about me. I can't be the mother I want to be, the wife I want to be, or the person I want to be, unless I can first feel good about who I am, and I can't deny it -- the way I look on the outside is a reflection of what is inside.  If I can control the outside, the inside will definitely be better for it.
3.  I want to feel healthy.  As I get older, I can feel my body rusting.  The joints don't work as well and body parts are slipping from their original form.  I realize, that the extra weight I've been carrying around for 25 years is encouraging the aging process.  I'd much rather retard it.  By getting back to a healthy weight, I'll have less stress on my bones.  I'll be more flexible, because I won't have fat getting in the way of my movements, and, as exercise increases my stamina, I'll be able to enjoy more of the time I have with my family and friends!  Oh how I wish I hadn't given up so much of my health to the excess weight I have now.

4.  I don't want to be the "fat American!"  As I've mentioned before, I live overseas.  I want to represent our country well.  I hate hearing the stereotype of Americans, but, unfortunately -- this shoe fits.  I'd really like it to be so loose that it falls off of me. 

5.  I want a family picture.  But currently, I hate being photographed.  I hate seeing an image that tells me what's wrong with me, rather than what is right.  For that reason, I avoid photographs.  I realized recently, that when my children and grandchildren look back at our family albums, they won't see much of me.  I have made the choice in my life to be a stay-at-home mom because I wanted to be a part of my children's lives.  I have been -- almost every moment.  But future generations may never know that.  I wish - with all my heart - that I had taken control of my life before it became such a problem.

Well, there's my list.   I hope you can see the impact that your diet and exercise choices can have on your life.  It doesn't matter if you're only 10 lbs overweight today, or even if you're exactly where you should be.   Taking pro-active action toward a healthier you will mean fewer regrets later and a better life -- a more productive, a more loving, a more enjoyable life with those you love -- today!

What are your top 5 reasons to get healthy?  What holds you back?


  1. It's official. You've motivated me. Good reasons. I relate to each one of them. Even though I don't live overseas I do live by many small people and feel like the brute among tiny, cute, little ladies mostly Philipinos who are quite dainty and feminine.

    1. Yay, Trina! I have no doubt! You're going to love it!
